Member health services of Grampians Region Palliative Care Consortium provide specialist palliative care as:
- Community palliative care in the home
- In patient, sub-acute care in hospital and hospital outpatients, and
- Palliative care consultancy.
Community palliative care in the home
Community palliative care in the home is provided by four specialist palliative care services in Grampians region, including:
- Ballarat Hospice Care Inc.
- Western Health Bacchus Marsh – Community Palliative Care
- Central Grampians Palliative Care, and
- Wimmera Palliative Care Service
Community palliative care in the home includes:
- People living in residential aged care facilities, both low (hostel) and high (nursing home) level care, and
- People with disabilities living in disability accommodation.
In their service areas, community palliative care services work with:
- All health services – whether or not the health service has a palliative care service
- All high and low level care residential aged facilities (nursing homes and hostels), and
- Disability accommodation services.
Go to Grampians region specialist palliative care services’ contact information to find operating hours, after hours information, and local government areas and communities in the service area of each service.
In patient, sub-acute palliative care
In patient, sub-acute palliative care in hospital and out patients is provided by:
- Ballarat Health Services
- Gandarra Palliative Care Unit
- Grampians Regional Palliative Care Team
- Western Health
- East Grampians Health Service, and
- Wimmera Health Care Group.
Palliative care consultancy
Palliative care consultancy for admitted patients, advice, support, education and training for community palliative care services and treating teams in hospitals across Grampians region is provided by: